SFC News Ayron Del Valle | Selangor FC's Colombian Striker Hopes To Finish 2023 Super League On A High

FirstTeam | AyronDelValle | 06 OCT 2023 | FAS

Ayron Del Valle | Selangor FC's Colombian Striker Hopes To Finish 2023 Super League On A High


Red Giants Colombian import striker Ayron Del Valle has scored 21 of Selangor FC's 64 goals in the 2023 Super League so far.

Wearing jersey number 70, this player started his career in Malaysian football with 10 goals in the first round and 11 goals in the second round of the Malaysian Super League. He also holds the record for a player who scored two hat-tricks in one season, which was against Kelantan United FC and Kelantan FC at the Sultan Muhammad IV Stadium.

According to the Super League's top scorer data so far, including his two goals in the Malaysia Cup, 83% of his goals came from inside the box, and the remaining 17% were outside the box. In the 23 goals scored, 87% of the goals came from his right foot. In addition, 50% of his goals are from ball possession.

According to Ayron Del Valle, he is confident that his goal was achieved with the help of his teammates, and he wants to continue to increase his number of goals in the remaining matches of the Super League in 2023.

"I am very happy to be able to achieve this kind of record in my first year with Selangor FC. I am working hard to achieve my objective of playing here. I tried to understand my teammates and the Malaysian League in my own way. There is no denying that it took me time to get to this level, but everything paid off. I was also helped by good teamwork from my teammates to score those goals. I try to understand the abilities they have and get an understanding of how to play, then I use the opportunity to score goals."

"With three games left, my teammates and I will continue to prepare ourselves physically and mentally to get full points for Selangor FC. I am confident that cooperation from teammates will help the club get the best results. Individually, I will try to contribute more to ensure the team reaches its goals this season. Not forgetting the support given by the Red Giants supporters who have helped us to perform with more enthusiasm on the field, I would like to thank you for always being with us," said Ayron.

The management of Selangor FC is proud of Ayron Del Valle's achievements and hopes that he will continue to contribute and help the team get the best results in the remaining Super League 2023 matches.

Demi Kebanggaan.
